Don’t Wait to Live

This piece is part of a six part series talking about what it looks like to live as Wild-Hearted Women. There are so many voices telling us what we have to do and who we have to be in order to have a life worth living. But the Lord has called us to something higher, He has invited us to live with a wild-hearted freedom that can only be found when our lives are hidden in Him. I’ve invited five friends to write about finding beauty and meaning in the small moments of life, and stepping into what the Lord is calling you to do today.

There tends to be this idea that a purposeful life for the Lord happens at a pivotal moment. Once we achieve “this” or “that”, then my life will have purpose and significance. But how much freedom there is to realize that right where we are, with what we have and the time the Lord has given us in this day, is in and of itself significant. You see, the more I go through life, the more I realize that it is our faithfulness in each and every single day that is the most honouring to the Lord. If He has our days numbered, then how significant is each one? Much more significant than we tend to value it to be. So may this serve as a reminder and in a sense, words to spur you on – make the most out of each and every single day. 

I realize more and more how temporary our lives here are and truly how fragile they can be, and how one of the biggest temptations is our greatest distraction – to wait to live until “this” or “that”. So may you be spurred on to make each thought, each action, each choice and each day glorifying to the Lord. For He has given you this day, this time, those in front of you and the possessions you have to do something purposeful for His Kingdom, right where you stand. Don’t miss out on all you can do with what you have. Don’t miss out on being faithful and obedient, stewarding what you have well and surrendering all of it for the Lord. May you find ways to be radically generous, wholeheartedly intentional and as selfless as Jesus is, with the life set before you. And don’t buy into the lie that you have to wait until something changes or someone comes into your life – because whether that ever happens or not, you don’t want to look back and regret what you could have done in the season of waiting or the season you’re tempted to just ‘make it through’. 

For our whole life is as purposeful as we are willing to make it to be – Gods will for our lives is that we would proclaim the gospel, that we would help the orphan and widows, that we would love Him with all that we’ve got in us and we can do that, through what we have, right where we are. I’ve come to realize that just as we are, through Jesus Christ, God delights in us and when we can truly come to believe that and live from that truth, then we realize, it’s our hearts He wants most of all and not just our actions. For history wasn’t made by people intending to go make it, I assume that those who made it, just did what they felt compelled to do – whether they were afraid or not and make a choice to step out and live their life. 

Wild-hearted women don’t just happen, we become them by doing what we feel the Lord is asking us to do – fearful and all, mustering up all the faith we can to trust that our next step matters. So make each step count, each day intentional and remember, don’t chase a purpose, chase after knowing the Lord and His heart for you. And live loved. 

Simply and Wildly,


About the Author

Hi, I’m Vanessa. A twenty eight year follower of Jesus, wife and mama, and the occasional write, cowboy and leather creator. I’m someone who not only seeks to live life wholeheartedly and purposefully but to also spur others on to do the same. I love a hot cup of coffee, long trotting and a job to do. But most of all, I love the ordinary simple moments of everyday; or try to at least.

Find Vanessa on Facebook and Instagram

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